5 Ways to Celebrate Women for International Women’s Day


Oftentimes as women, we feel that in order to be celebrated we must accomplish something extraordinary. Growing up, women are taught to be caregivers, to meet the expectations of others with our bodies and our time, and to accept that our opinions are simply just that – an opinion. That’s why, for International Women’s Day, Nextdoor and Done Well want to encourage you to celebrate the everyday woman. The neighbour who stops to say hello on her daily walk, your best friend who has seen you through countless breakups, or the owner of the florist shop who always greets you with a smile and remembers your name.  
Here are five ways you can effectively celebrate women this International Women’s Day and every other day throughout the year:

Support Female-Led Businesses:  Did you know thatwomen-led businesses create more jobs? By supporting those businesses you’re not only encouraging entrepreneurship but also nurturing a workforce that boosts the economy and boasts equality. Additionally, here are some great ideas from Nextdoor onhow to support small businesses.

Launch a Book Club: When women engage in shared experiences within a group setting, it fosters confidence, facilitates open communication, and promotes personal growth. It doesn’t have to be a book club, either. You could host a wine & cheese night, a gardening group, or amutual aid club.

Donate to Local Charities and Volunteer:  It can be as simple as donating your clothing to a women’s shelter or volunteering to be part of your neighbourhood Block Watch. For some ideas,check out this list of women’s charities.

Celebrate Loudly:  Scream it from the hilltops!Share a story on socialmedia of how a woman has made an impact on your life. The more we share, the more we inspire others to celebrate the amazing women who shape our world.

Regular Check-Ins:  Life is hectic, we get it. Try setting a reminder on your phone that tells you to check-in with a female friend every Friday, or any day that works for you. It will not only deepen your connection, but encourage them to do the same.


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