Trickle down theory: Common bladder concerns and how to prevent and treat them
*Created in partnership with Utiva
Bladder concerns like urinary tract infections and overactive bladders may be taboo, but they’re far more common than you'd think (meaning you’re not alone in your suffering). Learn about the many natural ways you can help prevent, ease and treat bladder-related issues, using over-the-counter treatments.
Would you believe that urinary tract infections are the most common bacterial infections in women? (And we swear we’re not taking the piss). There are approximately 500,000 cases of UTIs diagnosed in Canada each year!
Bladder health, encompassing everything from UTIs, overactive bladders, and prostate health, might seem like a mild concern, but the emotional impact often far outweighs the physical discomfort. While many of these issues, like urgency to urinate or repeat infections, are common, there are many ways to treat and even prevent them from happening.
From natural solutions like Utiva’s Cranberry PACs and Bladder Health, to lifestyle changes, there are many ways to prevent and treat common bladder issues for uncomplicated and mild to moderate cases and gain control of your health and wellbeing!
Utiva Cranberry PACs
Utiva Bladder Health
Common Concerns Related to Bladder Health
Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infections occur when foreign microbes enter the urinary tract and cause infection. The most common type of UTI occurs in the bladder (this is called cystitis) but it can also travel to the kidneys (causing pyelonephritis). Kidney infections are less common but far more serious.
Urinary tract infections are more common in women because their urethras are shorter than men's, making it easier for bacteria to travel (just our luck). Other factors increasing the risk of UTIs include sexual activity, pregnancy, menopause, age, and hygiene.
Common symptoms of UTIs include pain or burning while urinating, frequent urination, an urge to urinate despite an empty bladder, blood in urine, and pressure in the lower abdomen.
If an infection travels to the kidneys, it typically causes fever and chills, back pain and nausea or vomiting.
Urinary tract infections are typically treated with a course of antibiotics, but there are many natural treatments to help prevent infections before they occur.
Overactive Bladder
While it might be easy to assume an overactive bladder is a nuisance to just deal with, the realities of living with it are incredibly stressful and can cause a great deal of anguish. A sudden urge to urinate that’s difficult to control literally interrupts the day (or even the night!). This condition makes it challenging to relax and enjoy life freely because the worry of when the urge will strike, and whether you’ll be able to hold it, governs every moment.
Thankfully, there are many natural, non-surgical treatments to help ease the sense of urgency and strengthen bladder control for mild to moderate symptoms.
Incontinence is a common condition and is often undertreated because it’s a difficult thing for many people to talk about. Taboo topics, like overactive bladders and incontinence, leave many feeling embarrassed and isolated, but in truth, they’re so common they should unite us, not divide us!
Solutions for Bladder Issues
Treating common bladder issues starts with prevention. If you’ve suffered from recurring UTIs, taking an all-natural supplement to help prevent further infections is a proactive step in maintaining good health.
Utiva’s Cranberry PACs contain 36mg of proanthocyanidins, the active molecule of the cranberry that prevents bacteria from adhering to the wall of the bladder. (It certainly beats chugging litres of cranberry juice!) This clean formula is recommended by doctors and is an essential component of maintaining natural, balanced bladder health. When paired with Utiva’s Cleansing Wipes, the chance of infection is greatly reduced.
Utiva Cleansing Wipes
If infection does occur, Utiva’s Probiotic is a great course of treatment to help restore gut flora after a dose of antibiotics.
Utiva Probiotic
For those suffering from mild to moderate overactive bladders, Utiva’s Bladder Health is a natural and effective solution to ease the urgency to urinate, and helps the body to fully empty the bladder. You could say it puts the “p” in “peace of mind.”
Breaking the Stigma Surrounding Bladder Health
Learning about the symptoms, preventative measures, and treatments for these common bladder issues is the first step in breaking the stigma around them and ensuring you maintain optimal bladder health. In the same way that you might share with a friend that you’re suffering from a cold, and discuss treatment options, you should feel empowered to discuss bladder health, educate others on helpful preventions and treatments, and create an environment where there’s no shame when it comes to maintaining optimal bladder health.
Learn more about caring for your bladder health, download Ultimate UTI guide ebook and find natural solutions, on