Japanese Techniques To Help You Get Shit Done


As someone who is deeply immersed in the art of maximizing every moment, I've always been fascinated by the myriad of ways different cultures approach productivity. Japan, in particular, has always stood out to me. This beautiful country is not just the land of the rising sun but also the cradle of productivity techniques that can transform our daily lives. Let’s dive into some of these Japanese techniques that have not only enhanced my productivity but could also change the way you tackle your day-to-day tasks and your perspective on life.

KAIZEN – Making small improvements 
Kaizen advocates for daily small improvements, emphasizing progress over perfection by setting achievable goals for steady growth. 

IKIGAI – Your reason for being 
1. Do what you love 
2. Do what you’re good at 
3. Do what the world needs 
4. Do what you can be paid for  

WABI SABI – Beauty in imperfection 
Wabi-sabi celebrates finding beauty in imperfection. Embrace the imperfect aspects of yourself, body, past, and present, letting go of the pursuit of flawlessness. 

SHOSHIN – A beginner mindset 
Shoshin encourages a beginner's mindset. Embrace this fresh perspective to welcome new ideas and possibilities when approaching tasks or goals. 

HARA HACHI BU – Satisfied, not full 
Stop eating at 80% full, not 100%, to avoid feeling sluggish. Be mindful of food choices and quantities to sustain energy during the day and promote calmness at night. 

GANBARU – Doing your best 
This entails being patient and giving your best effort to persevere through challenges and achieve your goals. 

Which one stood out to you? Let meknow by sharing your thoughts on my Instagram post - I love getting to know you better and hearing which content resonates with you.


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